z22se supercharger kit for sale.
Eaton M62 Supercharger with new oil and gaskets
Inlet Manifold with Dual Pass Mod
New LSJ Throttle Body with Gasket
2.9" Pulley
Belt 5pk1695 new
Brackets for Belt running (Between AC and Engine, between Alternator and Engine
Cooling Hoses
Bosch Water Pump
Z20let Injectors
Sandtler X-Air AirBox with Hoses and Bracket
ECU Bracket
Option B Surge Tank with Hoses and Brackets
Without ECU.
Everything runs for 2000km.
For Sale Supercharger Kit
Eaton M62 Supercharger with new oil and gaskets
Inlet Manifold with Dual Pass Mod
New LSJ Throttle Body with Gasket
2.9" Pulley
Belt 5pk1695 new
Brackets for Belt running (Between AC and Engine, between Alternator and Engine
Cooling Hoses
Bosch Water Pump
Z20let Injectors
Sandtler X-Air AirBox with Hoses and Bracket
ECU Bracket
Option B Surge Tank with Hoses and Brackets
Without ECU.
Everything runs for 2000km.
For Sale Supercharger Kit